An amazing book which every climber should read.
Rocked up at Harrogate climbing wall hoping to put some ideas from DM's book to the test - started out 'as usual' (mistake no. 1!) then led a 4+ and did a familiar route (mistake no. 2!).
Then a funny thing happened.
"Will you climb with me?" A request from a total stranger!
"Err...yeah, sure... No worries." I said hesitantly as Luke W and Chuck B cowered and chuckled in the corner.
Was this mistake no. 3?
Turned out it was the best thing I could have done!
I belayed then climbed... Was I going to do a different route to my new unknown partner? Nooooooo.
So it went...
5 mins rest (that's all I was allowed!! )
Sweating out of every pore I staggered back to Luke W and Chuck B.
What an amazing and liberating experience!
Never mind specificity or reversibility just man up and bloody well climb harder!
Oh and breezed a 6A+ as a warm down - I normally climb 5!!!
Thanks to Isabelle and Dave MacLeod!