Sunday, 30 June 2013

Tina Ballerina

Climbing at Shepherds.

Adam and Eve

View over Boz dazza.

A real fun guy!

And another fungi!

Day 2

Camp at seathwaite and early dash to shepherds cafe again. 

Some thrutchy stuff on Kransic Crack where Tina Ballerina came into her own! Dig the shoes man!  
How's you neck?
It stings!

Starting up Ardus on shepherds.

High on Ardus with VS finish.

Making moves high on Ardus

Dash home before rain! 

Amazing weekend - thanks guys!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

1 out of 10 climbers make this mistake!

An amazing book which every climber should read. 

Rocked up at Harrogate climbing wall hoping to put some ideas from DM's book to the test - started out 'as usual' (mistake no. 1!) then led a 4+ and did a familiar route (mistake no. 2!).
Then a funny thing happened.
"Will you climb with me?" A request from a total stranger! 
"Err...yeah, sure... No worries." I said hesitantly as Luke W and Chuck B cowered and chuckled in the corner.
Was this mistake no. 3? 
Turned out it was the best thing I could have done!
I belayed then climbed... Was I going to do a different route to my new unknown partner? Nooooooo.
So it went...
5 mins rest (that's all I was allowed!! )
Sweating out of every pore I staggered back to Luke W and Chuck B.
What an amazing and liberating experience!

Never mind specificity or reversibility just man up and bloody well climb harder!

Oh and breezed a 6A+ as a warm down - I normally climb 5!!!
Thanks to Isabelle and Dave MacLeod!

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Summer Solstice Tarp

Walked up to the racecourse late on and pitched by dusk of the summer solstice. Thanks for the loan of the tarp, Wood. A nice evening under moonlight and superb ground conditions but awoken by heavy rain showers in the night and ticks on the thermie in the morning. Inspection time!!
A great wild camp on the doorstep.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Duddon Do

Tee pees booze. A big gathering. Climbing, walking, biking . Base camp Turner Hall Farm

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Sunny Scugdale

A fantastic day of scorchio at scugdale. Cups chuck b and Lisa enjoying the sunshine And climbing!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Lakes Bivvy

Following a down day after our Gillercombe experience Luke W and the Hume joined together for a wild lakes Bivvy. Fantastic views and great company. Oh and of course Gin!

Gillercombe Butts Climbing and Peregrines!

 Had a rather strange ascent of Gillercombe via the Grey Knotts Face route. Rather scrappy and didn't feel very Diff - more like HS! Buzzed by tornados and Peregrins - yea I know the pic makes it look like a crow but it is DEFINITELY a peregrine Louis.

Hellvellyn, via Birkhouse Moor and Striding edge

Summit of Hellvellyn via Birkhouse Moor and Striding Edge. Over Swirral the. A dash up Catstycam, then descend to Glenridding and tea at the White Lion. A tad murky but great fun!